Mr. B asked if i would like to go to his classrooms with him. so he picked me up around 10:30 in his smooth little bmw and we went over to oakwood. there were only about 7 band kids, lol, so we didn't get much done. he asked me to play the trumpet and the kids were so in awe. i mean, it was like, essential elements stuff, so it wasn't anything hard. and he asked me to play a little from my solo so i did. we only had band for half an hour and B and i sat there and talked for a good 45 minutes before we went to eat. he took me to olive garden because he had a gift certificate, courtesy of dr. j. i really don't think i stopped smiling the whole time. he was very proud of me for eating all my vegetables. and salad. and he kept making fun of me for the damn breadsticks. so what if i enjoy breadsticks? he said hello to like 47 different people because they recognized him. i even saw maurice, who figured out that i had gone with B and said it was really wierd and i agreed. after lunch, we went over to the credit union so he could get money out... it was really funny because the whole time he was in line to get his money he kept turning around and winking at me as if to say, "hey, check out my abundance of 10 dollar bills." after that, we went back over to oakwood because he was supposed have band again, but they had a holiday dance party thing in the gym. as soon as he set foot in the door, all these kids ran up to him and started talking. it was really cute. they were having some kind of teacher competition hula hoop thing, and as soon as he saw that he tried to squeeze and hide back in the kitchen. i told him he needed to go out there and do it, but he refused. damn. so then he took me home. overall it was a fantastic day. the Oakroom has changed my life. i will never be the same. or so he says. i hope i can see him again; he said something about going to different schools, so maybe after break i will be able to. i can't wait. we have so many freaking jokes i laugh the whole time we are together.
got lots of stuff to do for christmas. still have to put up the tree, still have to get gifts, still have to make stuff. gahhhhh!!! but if today was to set the tone for the rest of break, i guess it will be full of laughs and food.