Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hoooo-wheee, this has been a crazy couple of weeks.

I went to Canada the 21st. I absolutely love it up there! It's this little lake called Robertson Lake, and one of my mom's friends has a cabin. No electricity (we had solar panels, so okay, we had batteries.) No running water (we had a pump to take it out of the lake, so okay, we had running water.) No T.V., video games, pretty much no SOCIETY in general. It was sweet. Kelly and I slept in a tent, which was okay except for in the morning, the sun was directly on it, so it was like a freaking oven around 8:30. We spent the time reading, writing, swimming, tanning, etc. I really hope I can go back next year, but with college and all, I might not be able to.

Monday, Jacob and I went bowling. We did 10 games, and I think I did pretty good. Most of my games are over 90 now. (I know that doesn't seem like much, but hey! I'm improving!) I got new shoes and a ball. I think now that I have that consistency of having the same shoes and ball, I'll do better.

Tuesday, I went to Kelly's house. She had just gotten her laptop, so we messed around on that trying to get a wi-fi connection. We went up to the library to mooch off the wi-fi there. Brenda, Jessica P. and Brittany showed up and pretty much amushed me. We had been trying to get together to practice band music, but with my going to Canada and all that, it ain't happening. Anyhoo, I got to chat with them and all.

Wednesday, Jacob and I went for a bike ride at burr oak. We did 12 miles, and it really wasn't that bad. There were some hills, but all in all I was okay. We think we'll want to do it like a weekly thing, to get in shape and all that. And Jacob is doing a big bike ride, so he needs to get prepared.

Thursday started band! Brenda picked me and Jessica up, and we drove to Moen. It felt sooo good to get back on that field, let me tell you. We did some marking time and scales, and then we played some music. Shepka had me help with the music, yelling out the measure numbers and all that. Then he made the sophomores play without music, marking time. then upperclassmen. I think I was the only one who actually knew my music, because once I started to play, the others joined in off me. Then Shepka asked me and two other people to stand, and he announced us as section heads!!!


He said we deserved it 'cause we worked hard and did our best. Jodi and Caitlin were ragging on me, saying, "jeez, kali, you're such a band fag." But I'm like, hey! If they tell me to memorize the music, I'm gonna memorize the music!! But I am really planning this year to be the best. I'm not gonna be evil, but I want to make things fun. Not to the point of complete chaos, because that'll come back bad on me, but I want to get work done while having a good time. That's what it's really all about. Yeah, we may look good and sound good, but it's how we feel about ourselves that makes the difference. If everyone is confident and supportive of each other, then that reflects positively on our whole show. can't believe our first game is, like, four weeks away.

Right now, I'm at the library. Wierd, I know, seeing as it's 5:56am. But the teen program has a fun thing for all the teens who read a certain number of pages, and we get free reign of the library. They even bought a Wii and PS2 with grant money. (Which reminds me, I have to go downstairs and make a thank-you note...) I made a top hat out of duct tape. Yes, duct tape. It's pretty cool, I think. I've been trying my best to be nice to everyone and be including and fun.

Tomorrow, well actually later today, (yawn) I am going to Night under Fire with Jacob, my brother, and his girlfriend, Becca. It should be really cool, because I've never been, but I heard it's awesome. Some big names are supposed to be there. I'm probably not going to church on Sunday. By the end of all this stuff, I'll probably been up for 35 hours straight. If I counted correctly. I can't keep the numbers straight.

Well, I'm gonna go see if I can squeeze in a spot for guitar hero before I sack. (yeah, like I'm gonna sleep with 46 other people around.)

But I might as well try.