Saturday, January 07, 2012

Last beginnings

We're 7 days into 2012. This is going to be a big year. It is the year I will student teach, write an honors thesis, graduate from college and enter the 'real world'.

Looking back on 2011... was okay. Last semester was total hell and I am more than a little thankful that it's over. It's weird to think that except for the five week night class at the beginning of this semester I won't have to deal with all the bullcrap that classes bring. I am frankly sick of sitting in classes, some of which I take simply because I need a damn gen. ed. credit, that are poorly taught and even more poorly assessed. Jesus I sound like a teacher.
In 2011 my beautiful neice Ava was born. She is such a sweet, calm, interested baby. Since I got to spend more time at home this past winter break she began to recognize me and wanted to play with me. It's good to be liked.

One highlight of 2011 was definitely working with Promise Neighborhood. I think I finally realized this is what I've wanted to do all along, it just took a lot of time to figure out. Even since junior high when I went through a phase where I wanted to be a social worker, I felt called to make a difference through education. The Promise neighborhood idea makes so much sense to me. And it's work that I do well and deeply care about. Gosh I hope that job might happen after I graduate.

Of course, I am super lucky to still have a close group of friends from high school that I know will always have my back. I can't believe after all these years we still all get along so well.

Monday I start the adventure that is student teaching. I am terrified beyond belief. It's just something totally different than I've done and nothing less than the best is expected of me all the time. It's good to know I've got the best people around supporting me.

One of my new year's resolutions is to write more. I know I say this every time, but it's something that I need to do more. I feel so out of touch with my creative side sometimes simply because I am asked to be creative ALL the time. Such is the life of a music major.

Oh, one more aside... the teacher I butted heads with all last semester? He gave me an A+ in both of his classes. Consequently, I am left wondering if this actually is planet earth. Sometimes things work out in the end anyway.

Here's hoping 2012 brings all its exciting promises.