Monday, November 05, 2012

Whereupon I struggle through a current-life crisis

I haven't posted in a while for a few reasons:
1) I am so freaking tired after coming home the last thing I want to do is labor over some writing
2) I haven't been able to put effectively into words how I've been feeling (aka a source of writer's block for the overwhelming majority of writers).

However, after crying in the car on the way home from Monday Margaritas with my boss and coworker,
1) I feel totally unprepared after college for 'the real world', or whatever this is
2) and that's mostly because I am not in a place where I can have philosophical conversations about my future
3) because I have no idea what the hell I'm going to be doing after June
4) because see number 1 above.

Am I going to go to grad school next year? Probably not. Why? Because 1) I haven't taken the GRE or written a personal statement or really have any sort of writing that is fit to share with admissions and 2) I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I WOULD STUDY.

The unfortunate thing is that i feel like one of those jaded people... "college isn't all it's cracked up to be." And in some sense that's true. For the first time after coming to Witt four years ago I am no longer disillusioned by the idea of college in general and am able to see what little good it did me. Don't get me wrong, I am in a totally different place now. College definitely moved me from the k-12 conception of education. But insofar as college was supposed to prepare me for what comes next... nope. Maybe that's my misunderstanding. Maybe college should put me in the place where I am questioning everything I thought I stood for and everything I thought I knew.

Most of this stems from the fact that I am operating in a different fashion than most people. I'm not going to get a raise in this job, or promoted, or frankly any bonus of some sort. And I'll probably not get fired either, unless I do something really F*$&ed up (unlikely). So what is my motivation? In the school and even within this organization, the minimum is regarded as good. So why should I bust my ass every day when I get no more or no less than the other person who does so little? I am certainly not in this for the glory; anyone working in the schools or with poor kids is not in it for the glory. At the same time, I am so frustrated by people who get by with so little effort that it makes me feel as if I'm doing something wrong for busting my ass.



Friday, August 03, 2012

today's motto: I'll get it later

I've been thinking about writing for a while but haven't done it for a few reasons. I'm still trying to get past the graduation hurdle. It's hard - harder than I thought, especially since I am living next door to campus. And now I'm living with three fellow graduates. Boys, too! We're all really good friends, and they used to live across the street from us so it's not a huge change. We were always at one another's houses anyway. Today I just finished moving into one of the two bedrooms and besides all my clothes everything is settled. It feels good.

So we're seven weeks into the Americorps VISTA adventure. It's been a wild ride already. Last week was the end of our five week summer camp, a beefed up version of the summer school program the school district offers. We had 99 kids register, and 85 or so of them showed up at least one day. That right there is a victory. I was in charge of the afternoon activities and the Friday field trips (except for the last one, thank god) and because of that I can add playdough maker, bubble master, and field trip extraordinaire to my list of marketable skills.
One of my good friends L. is the other VISTA volunteer, and we spend every day together. It's been a saving grace to have her as a friend and colleague. We are getting to the point now where one of us will say what the other is thinking. That happened three times today alone. We need some away time from each other! I really appreciate her smarts and wit. It's been a blast. Exhausting, yes, and frustrating at times. There are many moving parts often and with various people being in charge of smaller parts, sometimes balls get dropped and guess who picks them up. Sometimes I feel like I work so much harder than a lot of other people and that's something I need to work on, because I still have trouble convincing myself that it's okay to relax. Weekends are so weird because I have the subconscious urge to get off my ass and write a paper or do research or practice trumpet. But then I remind myself that it's okay to chill out for a while.

So two of my best friends are coming to visit me tomorrow! Kel and Steph and I have been friends since junior high. They're driving back from Florida and will make a stop in my lovely town before they make it home. I am so fricking excited to see them. It's been... months. Soon Steph is going to be moving to Florida and I am so grateful for the chance to see her one more time. The next time I'm going to be home it'll be for like 8 hours and then we're driving to Canada, so there's not a chance of seeing the crew then.

Hmm... I think it's time for a drinky drink. Rum rum here I come

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Honest with myself

One week ago I graduated from college.

It seems kind of hard to believe, actually. I don't feel any different. I don't look any different. I don't think any different.

Or maybe I do.

For the first time in my life, I no longer have school. It's over. Done. And, unless a miracle happens and I can afford grad school, that might not happen for a while either. While I am extremely grateful to have a job, I can't help but still feel scared.
I think the main reason I am scared is simply because school isn't there anymore. To put it bluntly (and I don't want to come off as an arrogant asshole) I'm good at school. I've always gotten good grades, I've always tried hard (except for chemistry, I gave up on that crap). Hell, I wrote a 20 page paper the night before and got a B+ on it. Not one of my shining moments, but I can come through in the clutch.
And now... I'm scared that I won't be as good at anything anymore. Yes, this is a little irrational. But a part of me can't help but feel that I'm not ready for 'the real world'. Part of me is worried that I'm going to do something stupid and screw up all the good things going here.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Today a friend S. and I were on our way back from a professor's house where we had a nice dinner and company. I asked her what her plans were for the summer and next fall, because even though she'll be walking at commencement she has to stay an extra semester to finish her degree requirements. She said she is trying to find a job at home but it's difficult because she's overly qualified; after next fall semester is over she'll most likely be moving to new york state to find a teaching job in a high needs district as per her fellowship requirements. We got into a conversation about our futures and what our college as set us up for. I asked her if she regretted coming to this school and she said yes and no... the opportunities and departments weren't what she expected but there were other little things that made it somewhat worth it. I asked her then if she had the choice again would she come here or go to another school, and she said she wouldn't come here again. It was clear throughout this car ride home that she is pessimistic about the future and feels like our college hasn't done the best job in terms of career preparations or coursework. She is burnt out, jaded, and tired.

I'm happy I'm not like that.

This school has been a blessing for me in many ways. I often think about what it would have been like if I had accepted one of the other schools on their offers. Yes, the departments at other schools are much better than what is currently here. However, if I had not been here, I would not have gotten involved with the Promise Neighborhood. To be frank this project is a game-changer for me. It has changed my outlook on my career and the future and where I could find myself in the coming years. I think about all the things I have been lucky to be a part of because of the unique circumstances of event offerings, or conferences, or connections with courses. It is truly amazing. My friends here are going off to do great things all around the country - Yale, D.C., California, you name it.

But we all started here.

Some say college years are some of the best years of your life. While I beg to differ, I really can't say because I have no idea what's to come. Things are wide open and the possibilities are endless. Compared to some people (like my friend above) I'm not stuck yet.

I found out this past week that I was accepted to be one of the Americorps VISTA workers for the coming year with the Promise Neighborhood. Can I just say how exciting this is? Yes, I won't be teaching music per se. But I'll be working with a school, the school that I've devoted countless time, energy, and emotion to over the past two years. The stress of finding a job is suddenly absent. Finally, I have a chance to work for this project without also having to juggle school full-time. I have no idea what the next year might look like - hell, I don't even know when I'm going to start work (it's some time in June). But to have that first step on the road sorta figured out makes me eternally grateful. Because of that, I can wake up every day looking forward to the possibilities, not at the dead ends.

Another thing that made me think today happened at the dinner, before that car ride. There were some new friends around the table and so each of us talked a little about our involvement with Promise or at college. One thing that I noticed is that with the underclassmen, they all talked about the things they have personally done or contributed. Hmmm. The sad thing is I think that some of these people getting involved with the project are in it for their own personal gain. That is, they make sure to let everyone know the work that they themselves have put in.

Let me clue you in.

It's not about you.
It's about the kids. It's about making a difference in this community. It's about the belief that we have for each student at Lincoln that they will go to college and be able to escape some truly horrifying situations. It's about changing the culture of drugs and dropouts and convicts into a culture of learners who care, who contribute, who thrive rather than merely survive. Yeah, recognition every once in a while is nice - it's the fuel that keeps the light burning when the wick gets low. But this is not about one person's work. It's not even about OUR work. It's about the work of those students, that community. We are the wheels that help get the train rolling - we're not the engine. That's what I find so unique about our approach. Rather than someone coming in and saying "this is what you need to do and need to change," we help everyone figure out what assets we possess to make our own change. Otherwise it creates a cycle of dependency where nothing really changes. So rather than looking inward, maybe it's time to start looking outward.

Monday, April 16, 2012

An egg

Today I defended my thesis successfully and will be graduating with university honors. Let me tell you, this is a huge weight off my back. Last week I didn't even have a complete paper until about 4 on Friday afternoon. People said that student teaching would be hard, but I never really understood how hard until I looked up and saw that we had like 6 weeks to go in the semester and WAY too much work to get done. Somehow, though... I managed to make it.

I've spent the last six weeks teaching at two of the worst performing schools in the district. It has given me a lot of insight into teaching in a high poverty situation, that's for sure. I've had to deal with children's services, a physical fight, a lock down drill, tornado drill, fire drill, and a shooting of one family's uncle. To say that teaching takes a toll is the understatement of the year. Mentally, physically, emotionally, it was all I could do to get to spring break. But now that my thesis is mostly out of the way I think life will be an eensy bit better.

I also heard today that only two people applied for the two positions with Promise Neighborhood next year, and one of them will most likely be going on to grad school(aka we'd be really surprised if she didn't) - and I am not going on to grad school. So, W. said today that he was going to hire me and look for another person to fill the second spot. Nothing official, but in my book that's a real confirmation!

Also, W. did something today that rendered me speechless. He's been helping me through the whole thesis process and he and his wife were talking about me this morning because of my defense. This afternoon I went to meet him to talk about my presentation. He slid a small package wrapped in tissue paper toward me. "This is from Mar," he said. And then told me a beautiful story about how this gift, a small green ceramic/stone egg, is now mine. It used to be Mar's father's. He talked about the shape as not only the place where of course life is nurtured, but it speaks to the wider idea of new beginnings. And while there are many things coming to a close now that we have less than four weeks until commencement, it is also a time for new beginnings. And so of course I held back tears as this little inconspicuous stone encapsulates some of my anxieties, hopes, and blessings.

And what a blessing to have people like that in this world.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Love Wins

This blog post is about love.
That may seem a little... anticlamactic, perhaps, but at this time in my life where I feel like my toes are on the edge of the cliff, it seems like everything comes back to love.

I went home this weekend for a very short trip to celebrate my niece's first birthday. It was just the perfect length trip for me to see everyone but not really connect again. Especially with my father. I decided to spend saturday night with my cousin because I get to see her less often than my parents, and I also thought that I'd be spending lots of time with my parents the next day at the birthday party. Well, my dad didn't end up going to the birthday party because he recently broke a tooth and is in some pain (which is a whole other ordeal with us not having health insurance because now both of my parents are unemployed). So I saw him for about an hour when I got home Friday night... about an hour on Saturday between errands and when I went to my cousin's... and then today right before heading back to campus. For as complicated as our relationship is, he's still my dad and I still love him to death. Having to turn right around after a day and a half in town was so so so hard. Pulling out of the driveway and having him show me our "I love you" sign made me REALLY not want to come back to school.

The sermon today in church was about love. Not simply the romantic kind of love, but the love of relationships. And I think a big part of what it comes down to is vulnerability. To be close to someone, to have that connection, you must make yourself vulnerable or it will never happen. Some emotion, some event, opens the door where you show the other person 'this is how I'm feeling, this is what's happening, I need help, or I need support'. And every relationship has this mutual Opening of the Vulnerability Door, otherwise the relationship will never grow and evolve. So much of it is an 'i love you, you love me back' feeling that cements the relationship together. Seriously, this is literally a giant billboard from God or the Universe or whatever for EXACTLY what is going on in my life right now.

And that brings me to another thing - the college dating culture. Wait, what college dating culture? MY POINT EXACTLY. Everyone is so into the instant gratification and hooking up is rampant around here. But I don't want to hook up. I want to find someone who will not make me feel so freaking alone. Not that I am lonely, far from it. But sometimes the way my brain works makes me feel like no one really 'gets' me. And wouldn't it be nice to find someone who got me.

Pity, party of one.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Do you want a back rub or a mountain dew?

This is the start of my seventh week of my last semester of my senior year. I've been neglecting writing not because there is a shortage of things to talk about - no - it's because I've been too damn busy and lazy to write. What a surprise.

So, with this seven weeks thing comes the fact that I have only two weeks left at my current student teaching placement. I've been teaching middle and high school band at two schools 12 minutes (or so, depending on the bus and garbage truck schedule) away from campus. It has been: exhausting, exciting, frustrating, challenging, motivating, and at times hilarious. Nothing at school ever prepared me to deal with middle schoolers, and dear god do I never want to deal with them again. My sixth grade band is the biggest challenge by far. A) There are approximately 70 of them in class each day B) They are so bloody hormonal and hyper and CRAZY that it's all I can do to get them to Calm Down. I thought for sure the high school band was going to be the worst, but I've gotten to the point where I can joke with them and they actually think it's funny (let's reflect on my past band directors... lacking in the funnyness department) and they respect me enough to listen, be quiet, and take what I have to say and do to heart. It's such a joy to be with players who actually want to be there, unlike at the middle school where there are still some stragglers stuck in the ensemble who really don't give a crap.

One thing that set me back a bit this semester was the nose I happened to break myself about three weeks ago. It had been healing nicely with little to no pain left until I came down with this disgusting cold/sinus infection last thursday. All the snot-blowing and sneezing and coughing I've done has really done a number on my poor nose. It's throbbing right now. I really don't want to get the peas back out of the freezer, but I fear I might have to just to go to sleep tonight.

Another surprising event was a very unexpected email from a long-lost friend... okay, not really. My high school band director is a bit notorious for being, shall we say lax, on the whole keeping-in-touch concept. Mind you, this guy basically told me that if I wanted to study music in college that he would support me every step of the way, and that I had the power to do anything I wanted. I'd sent a few emails over the past few months with no reply, and by this point I was shooting in the dark for some kind of contact. I sent him a short email telling him how I was teaching middle and high school band and of course didn't get a reply - no surprise. But then, about a week and a half after I sent the email, I DID get a reply! Wonder of wonders. I immediately read it... and I immediately had tears in my eyes. Besides the note he sent me when I graduated high school, this was some of the most heartfelt writing I've ever recieved. I'm not going to post the whole thing on here because part of me wants to keep it close to myself (read: I'm a little selfish) but I will put down a few things:

I want you to know that I think about you a lot. I know I haven't talked to you enough. You're ending your beginning. I've thought about that more than maybe you know.

Though the end might not be everything you thought, it helps to know that it's part of that circle your started long before we ever met. I've always felt good about being a part of that.

Where do I begin... It's good to know that I didn't piss him off or anything because I didn't hear from him for so long - the thought did go through my head. And working through my own feelings of nostalgia at finishing college is magnified because he helped me begin here. This is one of those things you hang onto for forever.

Now that I've looked back, I shall look ahead. I found out today that we got $6,000 from the university for a position with Promise. We're up to a total of $16,000 which makes my future in The Field much, much more realistic. We just have to go through all the process of applying for a position and also dealing with room and board. In talking to Dr. w last week, he said we have one position for sure. Even though this is all happening I am really trying my hardest to not get overly excited about it. We are taking big steps in the right direction but I don't want to get my hopes too high and then be heartbroken if it doesn't work out. Hell, what if I don't even get chosen for the position? This is too much to think about. I hate having everything so unknown.

Oh, one more thing - I shot a gun this weekend. Don't worry, it was all in a safe shooting range environment. Frankly I was more than a little terrified - everything I've ever been taught is to run in the opposite direction of guns. But my best friend's brother is an MP (or was, I guess) and he has a .22 rifle and a .30 rifle. And I guess it's life experience I should have? Who knows. Anyway, I shot the .22 first and it was, besides being so morally against everything I knew, moderately cool. No recoil, not too loud, good control. But of course guys have to have the next-best-thing, so Ryan got out his .33 rifle. That sucker was LOUD. And the bullets were twice the size of the .22. Ryan had his kicks and then let Rachel and I try it. Had a little more kick than the other, but still not much - it's still quite frightening though. The shooting range is not a place for twitchy people. I was so hyper-sensitive.

Anyway, I gotta get to bed because with this sinus crap I need all the sleep I can to kick it to the curb. And I gotta get up early tomorrow for the first time in six days to teach.

P.S. Boys suck.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Last beginnings

We're 7 days into 2012. This is going to be a big year. It is the year I will student teach, write an honors thesis, graduate from college and enter the 'real world'.

Looking back on 2011... was okay. Last semester was total hell and I am more than a little thankful that it's over. It's weird to think that except for the five week night class at the beginning of this semester I won't have to deal with all the bullcrap that classes bring. I am frankly sick of sitting in classes, some of which I take simply because I need a damn gen. ed. credit, that are poorly taught and even more poorly assessed. Jesus I sound like a teacher.
In 2011 my beautiful neice Ava was born. She is such a sweet, calm, interested baby. Since I got to spend more time at home this past winter break she began to recognize me and wanted to play with me. It's good to be liked.

One highlight of 2011 was definitely working with Promise Neighborhood. I think I finally realized this is what I've wanted to do all along, it just took a lot of time to figure out. Even since junior high when I went through a phase where I wanted to be a social worker, I felt called to make a difference through education. The Promise neighborhood idea makes so much sense to me. And it's work that I do well and deeply care about. Gosh I hope that job might happen after I graduate.

Of course, I am super lucky to still have a close group of friends from high school that I know will always have my back. I can't believe after all these years we still all get along so well.

Monday I start the adventure that is student teaching. I am terrified beyond belief. It's just something totally different than I've done and nothing less than the best is expected of me all the time. It's good to know I've got the best people around supporting me.

One of my new year's resolutions is to write more. I know I say this every time, but it's something that I need to do more. I feel so out of touch with my creative side sometimes simply because I am asked to be creative ALL the time. Such is the life of a music major.

Oh, one more aside... the teacher I butted heads with all last semester? He gave me an A+ in both of his classes. Consequently, I am left wondering if this actually is planet earth. Sometimes things work out in the end anyway.

Here's hoping 2012 brings all its exciting promises.