Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.

*we* are the music makers. and *we* are the dreamers of dreams.

willy wonka and the chocolate factory makes all things better.

i was in a crappy mood. and willy wonka came on. and i'm not in a crappy mood anymore.

sound of the breezes that blow

so i thought today would be really awesome. we got that fantastic text message around 7am saying that the university was closed today... so i didn't have to go to any of my classes. i slept in until about 11:30, and just messed around on my computer and in my room. i hung out in savannah's room for a little bit, until the battery in my computer started to die. a little after this time, i started getting hungry. went to ask the friends if they wanted to go to dinner... no. "it's too cold out." "I don't feel like it." well gee thanks, guys. as opposed to you, i am trying to take advantage of my meal plan and use the meals on it. excuse the hell out of me. so, i went to dinner by myself. oh how awesome. too bad they missed the quesadillas, which are always a hit. sat by myself staring out the windows while eating. real fun. and then i headed over to krieg to practice my trumpet because i have a lesson tomorrow. well, i get up to the door, and whaddya know, it's LOCKED. so i can't even practice and i am probably going to make myself look like an idiot tomorrow. freaking minor scales.

oh. and this is really awesome too - next thursday, we are going to observe two different teachers for my music ed. class. well, we won't be able to get back until 12:30. my trumpet lesson is on thursdays from 12 to 12:45. WONDERFUL. i emailed my trumpet teacher asking if i could reschedule, because it was kind of important that i observe, and he told me he couldn't reschedule, my only option is to find another student and switch times with them, or forfeit my lesson, or not observe that day at all. SWEET. so now i get to figure this all out. just my luck. i really love my life. i actually WANT to go back to class tomorrow. not having class two days in a row is throwing me all out of wack.

i am basically annoyed and blah'ed out, per my facebook.

going to find something else to do to waste my time tonight, since nobody wants to do anything except just sit there and veg out.

love my life.

it's a marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars above in your eyes. ~Van Morrison, Moondance

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the future ain't what it used to be.

today was much needed. we didn't have classes thanks to a "faculty retreat"; basically a day of for teachers. i slept till noon, ah it felt so good. did my laundry which was REALLY needed, seeing as i was on my last pair of socks. damn washer/dryer ate one of my socks... my favorite spongebob ones, too!! M and i went to lunch at a leisurely pace, and she took me by the kappa delta house since she is now with that whole gang. went to krieg to practice, finally, i was getting really lazy about that. at my lesson on thursday i have to get some minor scales, ohgod. natural minor isn't that bad... it's only until you get into harmonic and melodic that my brain implodes. we had sectionals in band tonight - dr. jones wasn't even there, so one of the junior music ed. majors, ben, led us. not that i don't appreciate the time, but we didn't get that much done. i mean, we practiced the russian piece for 45 minutes. and i play trumpet (as opposed to cornet) which is a more soloistic part, and it's only me and one other person on it. well, let's just say that the two movements we practiced tonight weren't all that difficult for daniel and me. i mean, whatever. no big deal. have been working on music theory for a bit now, and cursing the gods of sightsinging and Dr. K.

it's snowing! i can hear it against my window. people are really hoping for a nasty storm. maybe it will be hell to get to school tomorrow and all the teachers will cancel! i can just see Dr. K on his silly bike trying to ride down alumni way.... *flail*.

random thought - i really like my name.
it kind of defines me in a way. my parents picked it because it means "eternal energy". and also the hindu goddess of creation and destruction... but i am not quite that ruthless.

i actually found a band from st. louis named the same.


lalala. i would really like some macaroni and cheese right now. or some toast.
that is all.

"There's a drought at the fountain of youth, and now I'm dehydrating.
My tongue is swelling up, I say shit!" -Hitchin' A Ride, Green Day

Monday, January 26, 2009

watch me navigate

almost forgot to do this today...

wrote a poem in my religion class last week in the back of my notebook.

Voices echo off the shining street below.
My pillow beckons, but I cannot go.
Wonders of the world play from my fingertips
and my power is drainingly addictive.

The thoughts within my head are racing
and shaking
while my fingers tap a simple message.

The cold type freezes onscreen
unable to take back, unable to erase.
The question, the answer, the three words
the past and the present all together in one.
It's too late now, my heart is pouring out
like water from a bucket
faster, thicker, can't stop, pouring drop by drop
into on giant waterfall - -

god help you if you can't read my words,
heaven help you if you don't listen to me now.

i don't think i quite captured what i wanted to in the last stanza, because i am crap at wrapping poems up. and i don't have a title.

i'm nothing on my own.

wow... i am actually getting on schedule with this whole blog thing...

since Bren started this, i thought i would join in on the fun also, with all my bestest pals, starting with those who follow this blog.

i'm just going to in the order they are on my blog, and the firstly ones from e-town.

bren - we can't remember how we met.

inevitably, it was through band. i originally didn't like her because she played saxophone (saxamaphone) but that all changed when she finally saw the light and came to the good side. we were super close our senior year; band'll do that to ya. like she said, we talk now more online than we did when i was at home... but then again i saw her every day at school, and now i haven't seen her going on three weeks now. it feels like much longer. i confide in her aLOT, partially because she is almost ALWAYS online... except for when she's reading her physics book. (nerd.) basically, i trust her with everything.

Kel - I remember vividly the day we met; i was in her english class before i transfered to honors, the very first day of 7th grade.

we graded each other's spelling tests (i actually wrote a poem about this moment). and we walked home basically all of freshman and sophomore years together. I can be goofy with her like nobody else... and she understands me in a unique way. we can probably still finish each others' sentences.

Jess - she has been the longest friend i have ever had.

we went to the same daycare, and she used to live down the street from me, so basically all of my childhood involved jess in some way. i trust her with everything. i have told her things i have never told anyone else. i feel like she is as close to a sister i can have; our thoughts are most often quite the same.

on to others that aren't blogging...

aims - this girl is such a sweetheart i can't stand it.

we spent homeroom together for three years, and we always have a really good time whenever we get together. i never see her as much as i would like to. and she always sends me texts at exactly the time i need them. :) we have helped each other out through some tough times, and in that we have a strong connection. i always tell her to call me if she ever needs anything, and i mean it.

jess and britt - i feel like these two chicks go together because they are pretty inseperable themselves.

i have the best time when we have movie nights and such... even though both of them look pretty timid and quiet, DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! both can be really loud and random and freakin' hilarious, and i love them to death.

rach - as a fellow music ed. major, we have already spent a ton of time together and will be for the next few years.

she's really hilarious and can put me in a good mood whenever she's around. plus, she teaches me piano. and we can both make fun of kazez together!! i can see it now... we're probably going to get sick of each other from spending so much time in each others' prescence. :P

M - she was one of the first of my really good friends.

living down the hall from her has been both fantastic and a little annoying, haha, because i can see her whenever i want but sometimes i just want to throw a pillow at her when she gets loud! love you! she is also very hyper and random like i am, and already we have a ton of jokes and stories together.

Sav - introduced to me by mandy, i thought this chick was a wackjob the first time i met her.

haha juuuuuust kidding! we have become very close friends in a short amount of time, and since she moved into tower, it has gotten even better. she is very unique in her views and perceptions, and sometimes can be a really refreshing change. she knows what she wants and god help anyone who gets in her way. she's got this incredible discipline, and i can't quite figure out where it came from, but she amazes me all the time.

well, i think that's it for my close college friends... strange how once you stand back and take a look at things can you truly appreciate what ya got. god knows i miss my e-town friends... more and more every day. i can't wait until i can head north again... it shall be epic. what, like 6 weeks now?

all my classes tomorrow are cancelled! it's a staff day, and even though professors can still hold class if they want, both of my classes decided not to have it. *thank GOD*. i can sleep in! i can go to lunch! i can do whatever i feel like!... until i have to do some homework and band. this morning was kind of rough, but now that today is over i feel like i was very productive. good day!

and, instead of leaving a quote like brenda is, i'll leave a music lyric:

a singer in a smoky room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume. For a smile they can share the night, it goes on and on and on. ~Don't stop believing, Journey

you couldn't pay --oh yeah.

i must remember to stop procrastinating. i have a paper due tomorrow for my sociological perspectives in education class (what a mouthful - i usually just say education). i didn't even start on it until friday, and we've had the assignment for a week i think. it's really going to catch up to me... i can feel it. i missed a class because i went to OMEA convention, so the one prompt i really have no clue on. apparently that was the day that we discussed all this... and i am just completely stuck. i suppose i can pull it through, but it's due at 4pm tomorrow afternoon. SHOOT. (i didn't swear because this was one of my new years resolutions? see? aren't you proud of me??)

so i went to see the Atlantic Brass Quintet tonight, with some of the music majors. unfortunately i can't find a youtube video to post here. anyway... i was completely blown away. it was in this little church sanctuary, so it was a kind of intimate space. we were sitting in the fourth row, i think. they played these incredibly hard and complex pieces, from composers i had never heard before. i just felt really inadequate. i mean, i know they're professionals and all that. but being a brass player, i would like to think i know what i am talking about more than just most people. but god, you would think i were playing my poor little trumpet at like a 7th grade level compared to these guys. i can't even visualize what they were playing. and i can't even move my fingers a fraction of how fast they were going!!! i know it's probably not healthy to compare myself to professionals. and my trumpet teacher keeps telling me, if you are going to keep on playing for the rest of your life, then you need to do this and this and this. and i am just like, what if i don't WANT to play for the rest of my life?? i want to teach. Teaching is what i feel i am called to do. honestly, i can't even see myself doing anything other. i don't want to play, i want to teach. and chances are, once i get a job, i doubt i will have enough time to play at all. i mean, i hope i can keep it up, but that's not really my main goal. i enjoy trumpet, i really do. i am just not DIEHARD about it. i suppose i probably need to be, because i am going to be playing it nonstop for the next three years. oh joy. :-/

i really should get working on that paper.

do you ever get that feeling of extreme relief when you are on the road and you see a sign for home?

whenever i head home, i always get really happy when i start seeing signs for cleveland, my heart gets a little bigger. cause then i know i am getting closer and closer to my real home. down here, it's tough because i don't know where hardly anything is -- let's see, i know 1) how to get to and from wittenberg 2) how to get to the mall/restaurants and 3) how to get to downtown/the public library. other than that... i'm totally lost. and i kind of don't like that feeling, of not knowing where i am at places. i feel really... helpless. i don't like feeling helpless.

sorority stuff is still annoying the hell out of me. i haven't seen one of my best friends since, like, BRUNCH. i hate the way that we are already spreading apart - - to think that these were the first people on my floor that i made friends with... and my first friends... it's kind of depressing, actually. i am excited to make new friends all the time, sure, but these girls around here hold something special, i guess. being the first people in my college life.

why is love so freaking complicated?? i finally found a person that i really enjoy, and look forward to seeing, and is polite and funny and wonderful... and most likely taken. i am having the worst luck with things. i can't even get up the courage to ask him if he has a girlfriend, though i have heard rumor-wise that he does. :( just my luck. story of my life. anything else you want to put here to make me feel more like CRAP??

84.52% and falling. though that may have to do with it being 12:30 in the morning, and my having to get up at 8am for class. strangely, i'm not tired.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i love

drunken 7th floor boys who fall down the stairs and apparently do jumping jacks at 12:57am.


i think i will set my stun gun to "kill".

Saturday, January 24, 2009

flow of ions

Oh poop. it's been three days since i updated.

so i -FINALLY- got my new glasses. really pumped about them. i was looking forward to being able to actually see things better.

my other ones are going on two years old... so it was time to get my eyes checked. i put them on while i was walking to class, and whoa. the ground felt so much closer!! i felt like i was about three feet tall!! LMAO. so far everyone has said really good things about how they look on me, cause it's a bit of a change than what i had been wearing. and it's still wierd to walk by some reflective surface without going, whoa, that's me?!.

the 22nd, on thursday, we went to a middle school choir to observe. actually, it was rachel's old school, which i suppose was pretty neat for her. we sat right behind the boys and oh god. let's just say i never want to have to do that if i had a choice. i might have to end up doing some sort of choir, which i suppose i could enjoy, but middle school boys?? Yeesh. we went to mcdonalds afterwards, and naturally i didn't buy anything because of my freaking card. but then on the drive home we got on the topic of sororities and stuff. cause it has been recruitment and all that. frankly, i really don't give a damn about the sorority thing. first, i don't have the money. it's expensive and secondly, i don't have the time. i have enough on my plate with eight classes this semester to be running around doing all sorts of stuff with them. this morning was "bids" - the sororities come around and hand all the people their cards inviting them to the houses. or not. so it was complete chaos around here, because people were freaking out and getting all nervous and worried and all that. and then the girls on the floor that were rushing went out to eat, and didn't even ask me. i mean, i probably wouldn't have been able to anyway cause i don't think i have that much cash, since my card is still broken... but still. the thought would be nice, right?

so that has been the extent of my past three days. everyone else freaking out about sororities, playing some music, getting some sleep, etc. etc. whoopie.

tomorrow, i am going to an "atlantic brass" concert with some music majors. i am really excited. good thing to get off campus for a bit, at least.

updates soon. 93.67% right now. let's hope it rises. ;)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

drive until you lose the road

played my first song on the saxophone today. we started woodwind methods, and that is my first instrument to learn. i am having a tough time getting the lower register out... i think it's because i am used to a tight embouchure from playing trumpet.

but i was pretty pumped at least. and earlier this week, monday i think, i played my first song with both hands on the piano!! dunno if i mentioned this already, i feel like i did. at any rate, it has certainly been a learning week.

tomorrow i get to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn to go to the music building for an observation of a junior high choir. have to meet at 6 freaking 50 in the morning to be able to leave and get there in time for their class starting. GODDDDDDDDDDDD. i haven't been up that early in.... a VERY long time. shall be interesting. a little bleary eyed, i can see it now.

i broke my freaking i.d. today. of all things... i bent down to pick up a snowball to throw at my friend, and it was in my coat pocket, and it completely snapped in half. so now i have to pay 20 bucks, wait 2 weeks (with no access to the ATM) and be s.o.l. until it gets shipped to me. just peachy. looks like today was not my day.

*($#^($!@*(#%&$%@#$!^$*&#%@^&#%&$#^!*(%@&!**$#^@%$*&*@(#$(#$. among other things.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

do ya love meh?

it's tuesday night, 7:59pm.

second day of classes this week. we went to observe an elementary school classroom this morning for class - it was actually really sweet. there were two third grade classes that we got to sit in on, and i was impressed by how much they knew. i don't remember learning any of that stuff. i mean, i'm sure i did, but i don't remember when. and after that i came back here to work on some stuff and eat lunch. later in the day was my religion class. we had to start presenting on a sacred space we wanted to investigate, and i chose airplane rock.

i guess i chose that because the times i have been there it has always been a powerful moment for me. you are above almost everything, and it's just a really awesome thing. but when i got to class, i was worried that i what i had done didn't quite fit the requirements. cause i chose a place that was sacred to me, not necessarily an entire city of people. i mean, there were like, the sistine chapel, chartres cathedral, stuff like that. and honestly, i can't do those kinds of places because they don't have the same power for me. i've never been there, i've never seen it. so i can't relate. but airplane rock, shit, i have been there so many times i have lost count. and it has real significance for me. but then dr. g helped me out some... i am going to have to do some research and ask lots of questions, but it may work out for me. i hope. but i left that class in such a state of mind. it's like leaving a church service that was particularly powerful or inspiring. and was going down the hallway to get a drink, and i thought, why can't everything be sacred? everything has got to be sacred for someone. even that little nook in the back of the library. so that was my brilliant moment for the day. came back to the dorm and just b.s.ed around for a while... then headed to dinner and band. the turkey actually wasn't half bad, i was super impressed. and band tonight, oh god. it was AWESOME. we're playing this russian piece that's like, krusneczvikoven or something (i just made that up, it's not really his name), and for some reason i was really clicking with it tonight. and we got out early, because i don't play the mozart piece, so i got back here before 7:45!! it's a miracle!!! time for more $&@@$!ing homework.

today was also the inauguration of our 44th president, mr. barack obama. the cafeteria was PACKED when i went up there for lunch. they had a big screen on CNN to watch everything. and all throughout the student center, the t.v.s were on obama. just hearing his voice coming from 2425 areas gave me goosebumps. and they rang the myer's hall bell right after obama was sworn in. that was one heck of an experience, let me tell you. just to hear that bell ringing out across campus, and then to go in and hear our newest president talk about his hopes and dreams.... it was almost surreal. is this really happening?? and as they choppered george bush back to texas, people in the cafeteria started applauding and stuff, cheering that he was out of there. honestly, i wasn't one of those GO OBAMA people. i supported him, definitely, NEVER McCain. i guess i am just anxious about what he is going to be doing. i mean, i am an optimist, so i will always have hope. but people are saying stuff that frankly i don't want to hear.

anyway, i must start my theory homework. adieu, adieu. parting is such sweet sorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

way down in mexico

so, second week of classes. TONS of stuff has happened...

i left for OMEA conference on thursday morning. honestly, i had a BLAST the whole weekend. the seminars were (for the most part) really informative, fun, and engaging. there were a few, like the praxis meeting, that i was bored out of my skull for. but overall they were really good. i also worked the booth some, but we didn't do much because we don't have a graduate program and that was basically all people were interested in.

thursday night we ordered pizza in the hotel, and stayed in playing card games and such. friday was mostly seminars all day, and that night we went to max and erma's for dinner. :) we went swimming that night... i swam in my pjs because i didn't think about bringing swim stuff, like who thinks of that?

after a while, everyone else left and it was just me and brien in the pool. it was so fun to joke around and splash each other, and be silly, and we talked a lot. spent and HOUR and a HALF in the pool... my shirt still smells like chlorine. after that, we went back to the hotel room and got indoctrinated into the wonderful world of old gregg:

it was hilarious, especially that night ;) and saturday morning we headed home, but not after getting pictures with the best bellhop EVERRRRRR:

well God Love Ya!! :D

and saturday night the freshmen music ed. majors went over to brien's house to watch movies: zack and miri make a porno, 40 year old virgin, and RENT. everyone fell asleep during RENT, lol. i woke up, brien's moving around, the credits are rolling, and it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!!!!! so rachel and i went back to Tower, she slept on my floor (sorry again it was hard and kind of wet...) and i was unconscious until about 12pm sunday. sunday afternoon, i met dr. w to talk about what i missed on friday in class, which was really helpful cause i was kind of lost in that class!

so today was supposedly a "national holiday"... but my freaking school doesn't believe in that. so i still had class. the ONLY class that my teachers cancelled was woodwind methods, which is going to be like one of my EASIEST classes. blah, why couldn't it have been k's or something!?! boo.

tomorrow is going to be really exciting because we get to go observe an elementary classroom! and i don't have to get up at the buttcrack of DAWN! halleluia!! and band again tomorrow night, so i'll get out at 7:30 because i don't play on Mozart. finally, a piece i don't have to stay for!

things are looking up. things are good. things are getting better. 96.42% well. :D

Monday, January 12, 2009

here it goes, here it goes again

First day of classes. whew. it actually wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. i am so happy about how things have turned out so far...
might as well go through my schedule:

first, i have music theory. mind you, this is only for mondays, wednesdays and fridays. and even then, i only have some classes on mondays and wednesdays, or mondays and fridays. it's so confusing. anyway, music theory: there are about 8 or 9 girls in the class, and NO boys. its really amusing. the prof is an older guy who is kind of hard of hearing... but he certainly knows his stuff, and he's got a funny sense of humor. i can potentially see some things being a problem though; i mean, we only discussed minor scales in the class previous this, and he was kind of... stunned that we weren't as familiar with them. i hope to learn a lot, and i think it's a great class to do it in.

after theory, i have an open period. which is super nice cause then i can go get
lunch. which is what rachel and i did; i also got some textbooks i needed from the bookstore. turns out i got the wrong book for my keyboarding class - book 2 instead of book 1. DAMMIT. anyway, i am glad i have that free spot so i can get some other work done!

after my tiny hiatus, i go back for music skills with Dr. K. oh freaking joy. don't get me wrong, i think this class is going to be a LOT better than theory was. but... i am still a little apprehensive i guess. we got to do a little conducting today, which i was SUPER excited about!! okay, nerd moment over. that class isn't very big, either, which is cool, because then i don't feel like as MUCH of an idiot. we have to sing, though, which shall be very... scary... because i have never like, sang in a choir or anything like that. ever. as my friend ben likes to call it, "caterwauling". LOL.

after skills i have woodwind instruments, which is one of those incredible classes only on mondays and wednesdays. this class shall be very interesting, also. i am going to be learning how to play four instruments: flute, clarinet, alto sax, and oboe. only to a beginner intermediate level, just to be able to teach it to someone else. like a little kid. and the textbook we have looks intriguing also. i know, another nerd moment.

after woodwinds i have "sociological perspectives in education". this is one of those prerequisites from the education department that i have to take. and it is fast becoming my favorite. the teacher is hilarious, down to earth, approachable (which is good because sometimes teachers can get real uptight and bigheaded in college settings *AHEM*) and he really is good with the subject. i can tell that he is passionate about the topics of education and what we can do to make classrooms the best that they can be, and the important questions that schools and teachers must ask themselves in order to make sure they are making the biggest impact. we already have our first paper due next monday! whew! i feel like this class is going to go at a breakneck pace, but i think i am going to love it. i talked to dr. w afterwards, cause i had to let him know that i would be missing class on friday to go to OMEA conference (another topic, later) and he got so excited about it. and he asked my major, i told him, and he said "you bravehearted soul". which makes me feel both really good and really bad. he said he wanted to talk to me about my four year plan - lets hope that it is ACTUALLY four years, and not longer. i am just looking forward to this class on all accounts.

after educ, i have keyboarding skills. as in piano. as in I HAVE TO PLAY WITH TWO HANDS OH GOD. it is really going to be a challenge for me, because i have never played piano in my life. i mean, i know where the notes are and that kind of thing, and i can play melodies, but actually putting harmonies and chords with them is going to be difficult. dr. d is kind of intense, he's really hyper and jumping about and running around. the technology in the classroom is really neat, and i think that class will be challenging but important to learn.

so that's it for my mwf classes. tomorrow i do the tuesday/thursday routine. and this weekend... i am going to the OMEA conference! getting out of class on thursday, friday, and coming home saturday. there are going to be all kinds of workshops and seminars, and concerts to go to. i am excited. everyone has said that it is a great experience. hopefully i can take some good things away from it.

so i think that's it for now. the newest stuff in my stupid little life, anyway. until next time.... don't take candy from men in funny hats.

Friday, January 09, 2009

this is my fate

break is almost over.
so bittersweet.
i want to go back, but at the same time i am just starting to get comfortable here again. and now i have to say goodbye to all my friends again, and family, and church. and now its not like it was at thanksgiving, where we got a break just a few weeks later. looks like i won't be able to come home until march. which realllllly sucks.
sometimes i really dislike it - i kind of don't feel as if this is my home anymore. there are things that have changed, new things, good things, bad things, that have happened and i know nothing of it. but at the same time, i don't feel as if i can call wittenberg my home yet, either. cause its still new and kind of, well, not really uncomfortable, but i can't come up with a better term. my bed is wierd, my room is wierd.

so i finally came to the realization that i am really lucky to be a part of my church. being back to it after being away was really fantastic. all the people there really care about me and take interest in me, which is nice, instead of being passed off as an apathetic teenager. so i thanked my mom for getting me into it when i was little. i have met some really exquisite people there. its always one thing i really look forward to when i come home.
on the other side of the coin, i have been having some doubts. i am learning more and more about the past, when i was too young and oblivious to it. and it kills me, it really does. i can't believe that guy. what could possess someone to do that? it was really unfair of him to do so, because he tore apart many many people, and we lost good members because of it. i am trying to kind of be not vague, but i don't want to say too much for fear of who could read what. but anyway, this has really made me reconsider things. it was all started with another conflict that i am aware of, and wishing i weren't aware of, but it's still there. these things combined with new things from the past are making me lose hope. i am doubting. i am questioning. although i suppose that is probably a good thing, because then can i get to a new plateau/awakening/epiphany/realization. and i also realize that this is going to make no sense whatsoever. i just needed to get it out. i almost wrote some of it down in my paper journal, but i hate seeing the cold ink on those papers, because that makes it all the more real. and i dont want it to be real. i am frankly disgusted. though i know we're all humans, and we have human impulses, and all that. i guess i just held him to a higher standard. maybe because i kind of grew up with him. and i thought he could do no wrong. alas. everyone makes mistakes. albeit this was a big freaking mistake that he denied making. honestly i can't do anything but shake my head. because the one thing that i trusted is completely shattered. and this new conflict isn't making things any better. yes, i had high hopes. yes, i am optimistic. but from this new stuff that i heard, its not making me feel any better. i guess we all just had different expectations, and none of them seemed to come out right. i just don't even know what to do. i feel so weak. and helpless. really wierd thing... got out my bible the other day and was just flipping through it. i haven't actually "read" the bible in who knows when. i don't even know if i can really get it right now. call me a doubting thomas or whatever. but shit.

i found a snuggie in giant eagle today!!!! i almost pissed myself!!! and i might have bought one too.

but they were like 15 bucks and thats really 15 bucks i can't afford right now. i just bought my textbooks and dang my account is taking a hit. at least minimum wage is going up! woo! 7.30 now!!

well i think my friend is trying to have a heart to heart. so signing off for now.