Monday, January 19, 2009

way down in mexico

so, second week of classes. TONS of stuff has happened...

i left for OMEA conference on thursday morning. honestly, i had a BLAST the whole weekend. the seminars were (for the most part) really informative, fun, and engaging. there were a few, like the praxis meeting, that i was bored out of my skull for. but overall they were really good. i also worked the booth some, but we didn't do much because we don't have a graduate program and that was basically all people were interested in.

thursday night we ordered pizza in the hotel, and stayed in playing card games and such. friday was mostly seminars all day, and that night we went to max and erma's for dinner. :) we went swimming that night... i swam in my pjs because i didn't think about bringing swim stuff, like who thinks of that?

after a while, everyone else left and it was just me and brien in the pool. it was so fun to joke around and splash each other, and be silly, and we talked a lot. spent and HOUR and a HALF in the pool... my shirt still smells like chlorine. after that, we went back to the hotel room and got indoctrinated into the wonderful world of old gregg:

it was hilarious, especially that night ;) and saturday morning we headed home, but not after getting pictures with the best bellhop EVERRRRRR:

well God Love Ya!! :D

and saturday night the freshmen music ed. majors went over to brien's house to watch movies: zack and miri make a porno, 40 year old virgin, and RENT. everyone fell asleep during RENT, lol. i woke up, brien's moving around, the credits are rolling, and it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!!!!! so rachel and i went back to Tower, she slept on my floor (sorry again it was hard and kind of wet...) and i was unconscious until about 12pm sunday. sunday afternoon, i met dr. w to talk about what i missed on friday in class, which was really helpful cause i was kind of lost in that class!

so today was supposedly a "national holiday"... but my freaking school doesn't believe in that. so i still had class. the ONLY class that my teachers cancelled was woodwind methods, which is going to be like one of my EASIEST classes. blah, why couldn't it have been k's or something!?! boo.

tomorrow is going to be really exciting because we get to go observe an elementary classroom! and i don't have to get up at the buttcrack of DAWN! halleluia!! and band again tomorrow night, so i'll get out at 7:30 because i don't play on Mozart. finally, a piece i don't have to stay for!

things are looking up. things are good. things are getting better. 96.42% well. :D

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