Saturday, November 02, 2013

No excuses.

Honestly I've been embarrassed about the state of my blog and so haven't posted since march. I've had this blog since 2007.
I was 17.
You think I was talking about anything that meant something?

So I cleaned a few things up and only deleted two posts. All the rest of it is there in case you want to read about my ordinary life. I wouldn't advise it though - it's not pretty. Mostly anxious and angsty posts.

One thing that is apparent though is how much I've changed. I started this blog when I was a junior in high school. Now I'm through college and gainfully employed (sorta). Maybe change isn't the right word. Revealed, perhaps? How could I have possibly known that I'd be who I am today?

This evening we had an event at the school where I sorta work. (It's much more complicated than that but I don't feel like getting into it.) I accidentally let a closet door close while we were setting up chairs. So I ran to ask the principal for his keys. Now, this is a guy you don't exactly want to bother, especially when you've screwed up. He rebuked me, and I agreed with him that it was a stupid mistake - my mistake. For a short second I got the about-to-cry feeling. He stopped me and said that next year we should do professional development on this day (the day of the school's halloween parties) and avoid everything because it's so crazy. I definitely agreed with that one. As I walked out of the office, he said I will make a heck of a principal.

I've been thinking a lot about leadership. And living it, really. Since the summer when I was helping lead a summer staff of 6 and an additional new 3 full timers, I've noticed things changing in my head, in my actions, and in the reactions of others. Is principalship the way to go? Who knows. More than a few people have asked me about that particular career path. It's not something I'm especially enthused about right now - poverty alleviation and strategic planning is, though.

Also, this is maybe a little ironic. Or maybe not. The same principal above calls me "Sarge", the lovely and endearing nickname bestowed upon me by this summer's staff. Last week a guy whose name I didn't even know called me that. More on this later.