Friday, June 17, 2011

I hate yahoo mail.
It's my spam email for whenever I have to use my email to sign into something (beyond like official bills and stuff).
Anyway, it's the email I use to communicate with a few people from my past life.
Namely mr. b.

I sent him an email yesterday because I was just really missing him. He's not the best at responding to things in the first place...
but everytime I see that little "Inbox:1" message I can't help but have a little hope that he's finally written me back.

And every time, it's not him.

Major bummer.

Blowin' me up with her love

Today is a pre-o day on campus: pre-orientation for incoming students that will be freshmen in the fall.

I just have to say that I feel really freaking old.
They are the class of 2015. And my class of 2012 are now the seniors in this place. I can't believe it. Everyone is right, of course - the time goes so much faster. I thought high school went by fast, but now here it is with a year left to go in my undergrad degree. and I have no idea what comes next. Obviously education is my route - why else would I slave over a B.M.E. degree for four years - but by getting involved with Promise recently I don't want to give up the neighborhood development and poverty work that has become so near and dear to me. I just don't know how to combine music education and poverty work into something that will provide me a living. And who the heck knows if I'll even be able to find a job when I graduate. At the rate things are going, I'll be lucky to even work in a school. I'm not sure I'm willing to travel across the country to take a job just for the sake of a job. But I hate the thought of nearly wasting my degree because I can't do anything with it.

This is so frustrating. Heading into oblivion... the great unknown...