Friday, June 17, 2011

Blowin' me up with her love

Today is a pre-o day on campus: pre-orientation for incoming students that will be freshmen in the fall.

I just have to say that I feel really freaking old.
They are the class of 2015. And my class of 2012 are now the seniors in this place. I can't believe it. Everyone is right, of course - the time goes so much faster. I thought high school went by fast, but now here it is with a year left to go in my undergrad degree. and I have no idea what comes next. Obviously education is my route - why else would I slave over a B.M.E. degree for four years - but by getting involved with Promise recently I don't want to give up the neighborhood development and poverty work that has become so near and dear to me. I just don't know how to combine music education and poverty work into something that will provide me a living. And who the heck knows if I'll even be able to find a job when I graduate. At the rate things are going, I'll be lucky to even work in a school. I'm not sure I'm willing to travel across the country to take a job just for the sake of a job. But I hate the thought of nearly wasting my degree because I can't do anything with it.

This is so frustrating. Heading into oblivion... the great unknown...

1 comment:

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

Something will come. When opportunity arises, take it. Even though it may not be what you had in mind to begin with. Many people end up finding what they really love that way.
