Wednesday, January 28, 2009

sound of the breezes that blow

so i thought today would be really awesome. we got that fantastic text message around 7am saying that the university was closed today... so i didn't have to go to any of my classes. i slept in until about 11:30, and just messed around on my computer and in my room. i hung out in savannah's room for a little bit, until the battery in my computer started to die. a little after this time, i started getting hungry. went to ask the friends if they wanted to go to dinner... no. "it's too cold out." "I don't feel like it." well gee thanks, guys. as opposed to you, i am trying to take advantage of my meal plan and use the meals on it. excuse the hell out of me. so, i went to dinner by myself. oh how awesome. too bad they missed the quesadillas, which are always a hit. sat by myself staring out the windows while eating. real fun. and then i headed over to krieg to practice my trumpet because i have a lesson tomorrow. well, i get up to the door, and whaddya know, it's LOCKED. so i can't even practice and i am probably going to make myself look like an idiot tomorrow. freaking minor scales.

oh. and this is really awesome too - next thursday, we are going to observe two different teachers for my music ed. class. well, we won't be able to get back until 12:30. my trumpet lesson is on thursdays from 12 to 12:45. WONDERFUL. i emailed my trumpet teacher asking if i could reschedule, because it was kind of important that i observe, and he told me he couldn't reschedule, my only option is to find another student and switch times with them, or forfeit my lesson, or not observe that day at all. SWEET. so now i get to figure this all out. just my luck. i really love my life. i actually WANT to go back to class tomorrow. not having class two days in a row is throwing me all out of wack.

i am basically annoyed and blah'ed out, per my facebook.

going to find something else to do to waste my time tonight, since nobody wants to do anything except just sit there and veg out.

love my life.

it's a marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars above in your eyes. ~Van Morrison, Moondance


Mademoiselle Kelly said...

So sorry Kayes! *virtual hugs*

Sounds like you could use some beer cheese.

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

OMG! Lol your profile started playing Gabe Dixon and I was like...HOLY CRAP ITS GABE DIXON!!!!