Wednesday, March 18, 2009

emo poetry

i saw the light on in the bedroom window,
but i was too chicken to knock on the door.

i saw the car in the driveway,
but i was too ashamed to pass.

i saw the reflection in the mirror,
but i was too scared to say the words aloud.

so for now
i'll fight with myself

and pretend things are okay

smile one of those smiles,
"just fine".

you don't know how it feels,
to steal a line from tom petty.
i wish you did.
'cause then things might be different.

but no.
they're not.

and i sit writing emo poetry
instead of talking about the things that matter
and the things that don't
and feeling sorry for myself

i make bad decisions.
but incredibly i don't regret it.

i just wish i knew what to do with myself.

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