Sunday, March 15, 2009

"don't disturb me, or i'll kill myself then kill you and all your pets"

well... break...

so tuesday i got a shot. it wasn't as bad as the first time, when i got dizzy and sick to my stomach. it just felt like somebody socked me in the arm really hard. mom and i did some shopping, and then met my brother's fiancee to try on bridesmaid dresses. we found one we really liked, although i'm going to have to have it hemmed about four inches 'cause i'm so SHORT. anyway, i'll get around to pictures once it's altered.
wednesday, i went to the college with brenda. i actually went to her civilizations class, i know i know, who the hell goes to class on their spring break. but it was alright, besides the fact that i had a hard time keeping my eyes open. that's not due to the teacher, he was awesome, i was just really tired!!

we picked up kelly and went up to the high school to see some teachers... i had a wonderful time. i hadn't seen mrs. runion since i graduated, and we got to spend a lot of time with her, so that really made me happy.

the rest of the day i just read harry potter, lol. got through all them except for deathly hallows - that one i had to bring back to witt with me.
anyway... i went to kelly's house for a little bit on thursday. it was pretty awesome (pig phuck, well shit, i love you bitch) :D :D

then i went to get my hair cut. if i do nothing else over trips home, i get my hair cut!!! although by may, when i will be able to get it cut next, it'll probably be down to my kneecaps.

friday was my dad's birthday party. we went out to a really nice restaurant, and i had the best steak i've eaten.

(my dad is being a goofball in this picture, but oh well, it's still funny.)

then we had a movie night at brittany's house... man that was a crazy time. kelly, brittany and i were all spooning on the floor, then we got realllllly hyper, and i think we pissed the couch people off quite a lot. my abs hurt the next day, not sure if that's from laughing so hard or lying on the floor.

saturday, i went to my aunt's house for a small (well, not really, there were over 20 people there) get-together. i just happened to add my cousin's screenname into my buddy list, and whaddya know, he's online. so we did a video chat halfway across the world - he's in iraq right now, with the national guard. it was the coolest thing, to see him smile and wave at all of us crowded around my little screen.

today i went to church and filled in with the handbells. they needed a person to play a part, and i just so happened to be there. my musical skills are coming in handy. we played jesu joy of man's desiring, one of my all-time favorites, and it was great being able to see everyone again. we left about 1:30 to pick up savannah and take her the rest of the way back to witt. and here i am. i unpacked and signed online, made sure i didn't have any homework, lol, and here i sit.

i've had a lot of time to think this past week. and it's done me no good. i still can't come to any conclusion, and it's so frustrating. like i said, sometimes i wish i just didn't have feelings at all and then i wouldn't be dealing with some of this stuff. my mind just never shuts up.


KACPDrummer said...

So I see you attacked your Dad. Where did you guys end up going?

Above Parallel said...

we went to this place called trivs - it's in strongsville, and my brother is good friends with the 2nd-in-command chef there. didn't show my dad the bill though... dammmmmn

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

great job cleaning up the pops! i seriously think that was one of the very few times i have seen him with a shirt on.