Sunday, September 20, 2009

it's not your size, it's how hard you try!

that's what she said.
actually, that's what benford said.


i got back from my weekend home earlier this evening. it was so nice to be home with my parents and friends, albeit for just a few days. friday night brenda and i gave the east side a serenade of the alumni band music, we played outside over at east rec! and tried to play softball...but i realized my depth perception goes wayyyyy down when it starts to get dark. saturday i woke up early to go to alumni band practice; we finalized the last drill and had a few run-throughs. jessica showed up and i was so thrilled because i haven't seen her in a long time. after practice, benford, jessica and i went out to lunch. i really enjoyed having a real conversation with benford; two weeks ago when i was home for the funeral it was mostly just a "hi how are you" kind of thing, but this time we actually got to talk about some real stuff. he paid for lunch, which is not going to happen again. after lunch, i went home and relaxed for a few hours before having to go up to the stadium again for alumni band. we ran through the drill once more, and i felt pretty good about things. we were first to preform because we're the old farts, and except for a few spots, the show went really well. the crowd loved it, at least which is what we're all about. i got a lot of compliments about the band, so that's cool. i was surprised at how well i personally played; it's been a while since i played in marching band style - loud and fast and obnoxious - and while i wasn't perfect, i thought things sounded pretty good. brittany and stephanie are trying to convince me to play drums next year. i really want to do it... but i don't want to desert the trumpet section since there are only four of us, haha.

today i went to church, got dragged into playing handbells again, saw a few people i hadn't seen in a REALLY long time, fell asleep in a meeting (it was my mom's meeting, i was over in the corner waiting for her), ate junk food at the apple festival, and took the three hour drive back down here. i am so tired. as soon as i finish this, i am going to bed. honestly. pathetic... but seriously.

so... another thing...
there's this guy.

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