Tuesday, September 22, 2009

under the table

i am so frustrated.

is there no hope for me?!

cannot i not find one decent male who's not a creeper or a freak?!?!

anyway. three days until the weekend!
lauren and i are going shopping tomorrow afternoon. i'd like to get some new cute tops.
today was decent, i guess. tuesdays aren't my favorite, and thank god i have these classes only two days a week. i have to start off at 8:30 in the morning... and i am NOT a morning person. but brien and i went to get chinese today, so that was awesome, haha. string methods was okay. i was trying my damndest not to fall asleep in that class, and i could totally tell brien was struggling too. after that, i have my child development class where we take notes for an hour and a half. funnnnnnnnn. and then band, so that's an hour and a half gone again right there. i've got a test tomorrow in history, and it really shouldn't be difficult. trudy faber recruited me to play with the handbell choir, because they need another person in the bass since the girl who's there now isn't very good apparently. that's another hour tomorrow afternoon, but i'm really excited about it. trudy seems to like me anyway, which is helpful, lol.

umm.... what else is important enough to post...

not much, haha.

i'm just trying to stay afloat.

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