Thursday, May 26, 2011

Muy Muy Guapo!

Obligatory Catching Up On Life Blog Post

May has practically come and gone and whaddya know, I haven't written here in ages once again. The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride of finals, papers, stress, and to-do lists that are too bloody long. good news - I did well on all my finals, including my trumpet jury: all four profs gave me pass with distinction! And somehow, SOMEHOW, I pulled off a B- history paper after staying up the night before to write it. Dr. S must love me because in what kind of universe does that happen?? But it was due RIGHT after Easter and I was not about to ruin Happy Family Time like last Thanksgiving because I put off my paper... so instead, I just procrastinated some more. Ha!

I went home for five days two weeks ago in the short span of finals-ending-summer-classes-beginning. And since then, I've been back at school taking Spanish and working in the music department. Surprisingly, Spanish is going well. I had nightmares of being thrown into a language I know nothing about. But the class is for those people who know nothing - and I'm even a little better than some! Yo soy muy inteligente. Haha!

It's very strange being here in the summer. There are so few people. It is a ghost-town campus. But I kind of like the freedom and ensuing lack of stress. My days are relatively calm and relaxed. I don't have a very tall to-do list like the past six months.
Big news in the past couple of days. w sent me a message a few days ago asking if we could get together soon to talk. Yesterday morning he sent a message asking if we could meet then. I went up to see him at 10:30. The first thing out of his mouth: "I want you to work for Promise."
That's right, people. I will be officially working for Promise this summer. [In case you don't know, "Promise" is a new project in town: part neighborhood revitalization, part school redesign, with the hopes of getting students in a high-poverty area to succeed. It's just over a year in the works and already there has been change in the community and in the school. w wants me to write a year end report and do some other things involving his work and Youth As Resources, another program he's sorta in charge of. And he said he was going to get me some money. Who knows exactly where that money will be coming from, or how much it might be... but hey. It's a step up. I saw him earlier tonight when I was heading home after some initial research (because I have to figure out what exactly a year end report is, first of all) and he wants to start work tomorrow. Tomorrow. That means I am going to be up all damn night reading about year end reports and charting promise neighborhood actions. So much for not being busy!

Random Aside #1: Can we PLEASE be done with the rain/thunderstorm jazz? I'm all for stormy spring evenings, but it feels like it's been rainning since March. MAKE IT STOP.
Random Aside #2: I'm really likin' the Tumblr thing. Serves as an in-between to facebook and a full-blown blog... hence why I'm keeping this and posting here because I get annoyed when people put giant long posts on tumblr.
Random Aside #3: If I sit in one spot in my room on my recliner, I can get the school's wireless from across the parking lot. BOO-YAH.
Random Aside #4: This will be the first Memorial day weekend I spend away from home. The first time in five years I won't be marching in the parade. And, incidentally, the first time in five years I won't be tripping over myself and falling into bottomless potholes on Harrison Street. I'm even a little sad about that.

Anyway, I have a stack of reading for the night. Hasta luego, muchachos!

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