Wednesday, September 02, 2009

all you need is, what is you need is, love

so i'm just going to nerd it out a little bit. if you don't want to read my nerdiness... feel free to skip this one.

so i came home a day earlier than originally planned, because we have an alumni band for people who were in marching band and want to make a comeback. it's always percieved as the "has-been wanna-be's", and i'll admit i called them that at one time too. but since i've been in it... i'm not gonna lie, i really like it. it's got the aspects of marching band that i loved, and you don't have the jackasses there like you would in regular high school. (well, i mean you still have jackasses... but that's a different story.) anyway, tonight was one of our practices so i made it to this one. i got the music for our show - we're playing at parade of bands in two weeks. we put one of the pieces to the field, and learned it all in like, an hour. granted, it's nothing of the caliber of what i'm used to. but it satisfies my marching band fix just enough.
i finally got to see benford. FINALLY. it's been almost three months since i had seen him. i feel kinda bad though, 'cause i was going back to brenda's car to get my glasses, he was walking towards the field, and i tackled him, really hard lol. i like plowed my shoulder into him... a little rough. whoops.
so he and i talked afterward, cause i wanted to know what his schedule was like the next couple of days since i am obviously home. well, he hasn't started band yet because the elementary schools just started classes this week. so tomorrow he has really nothing to do... so he asked me if i was free tomorrow. and then pointed at his drill charts.
yes, that's correct.
i am meeting up with benford tomorrow and we are going to sit down and chart a drill for the alumni band to march to in the parade of bands.
an entire song.
oh. my. bloody. god.


i mean, this is what i've wanted to do for a long time. and i am finally going to be able to put things on a field and see people march them.

i cannot express my joy.

i know it's a really nerdy thing... but look. this is what i love. so if you can't respect that i'm doing something that is totally fulfilling for me, then get a life. i don't need you. things have gotten better since i came to college, people don't judge me because of my major or stuff like that. which is nice.

okay. done.


Miss Ripley said...

Ah! That's so awesome, Kali! I didn't know that you were going to help with the drills! That really is amazing. I'm very excited for you. Good luck with it! =D <3

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

So blogger really needs a freaking "like" button.

i can't see me lovin nobody but you...:D