Monday, February 14, 2011

Excuse me as I try not to expel sputum all over the keyboard

Allow me to wallow in self-pity just for a sec... came down with the flu and a sinus infection this weekend. saturday was a complete waste - i literally slept ALL day. like, I didn't leave my bed except to go to the bathroom. Yesterday I felt mildly better but went to the health center just in case this morning. Turns out I broke blood vessels in my face from heaving so violently, so it's not a skin-eating rash like I hoped.

Anyway, I'm behind on the thirty day challenge:
Day five: A picture of my favorite memory

you already know how much this man means to me, and what marching band did for me in high school. i don't need to explain it again. it was the best three years of my life.

day six: a picture of a person I'd love to trade places with for a day.

I'm not afraid to admit I have a teensy little crush on anthony bourdain. he's just got the bad-assery and rebel boy image goin' on. i think it'd be cool to travel the world and just eat.

day seven: a picture of my most treasured item.

my little treasure box. holds all the little things that mean a lot.


oh yeah, so today's valentine's day.
spent it single once again.
i also sanitized all the surfaces of our apartment so my roommate doesn't get my sickness.
what a great day.

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