Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Wherein I succumb to peer pressure and talk too much about myself

Okay so I usually don't do these kinds of things, but they're blowing up facebook about it and it actually seems like a pretty cool concept. The idea is to upload a picture once a day for the next thirty days, and each day has a specific prompt.

Today is number 1: A picture of yourself with 10 facts.

and my ten facts:
1. I really love sleeping in and eating. I am trying to subscribe to the "eat when hungry, sleep when tired" zen thing. It's worked okay so far, but since I'm in class all day "eating" tends to be some grapes while sitting in music history class. Speaking of... my stomach is literally twitching right now.
2. I really love teaching and service. If I can't find a teaching job after graduating, I am considering doing Americorps or Teach For America. I fell in love with working with Promise Neighborhood. I feel it's what I'm called to do.
3. I wish I could dress like a hipster and not be judged. Lol. Though I am not a hipster I do like the fashion.
4. Speaking of fashion, with my next paycheck I am going to buy another pair of Toms shoes.
5. I hate to say it... but I have come to enjoy macs and a part of me really wishes my parents had bought me a macbook pro!
6. I am a hopeless romantic who is a teensy bit existential and idealist and loves good literature, movies and poetry. Not to mention a glass of wine along with those.
7. If you tell me to read something or watch something, I will. My teachers are continually surprised because I'll come back to class having read a book they briefly mentioned. Happens with Dr. w all the time.
8. I enjoy the outdoors, camping and fishing and all that jazz and think I can hold my own when it comes to those things. However, I consider myself a city girl.
9. My "favorites" like food, color, movie or book, change with whatever I'm doing. If I'm reading an especially good book, that's my favorite at the time. That isn't to say I don't have preferences or books and movies I'll experience over and over again. Jeesh, I've probably read Matilda about 50 times.
10. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo.

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