Monday, January 26, 2009

i'm nothing on my own.

wow... i am actually getting on schedule with this whole blog thing...

since Bren started this, i thought i would join in on the fun also, with all my bestest pals, starting with those who follow this blog.

i'm just going to in the order they are on my blog, and the firstly ones from e-town.

bren - we can't remember how we met.

inevitably, it was through band. i originally didn't like her because she played saxophone (saxamaphone) but that all changed when she finally saw the light and came to the good side. we were super close our senior year; band'll do that to ya. like she said, we talk now more online than we did when i was at home... but then again i saw her every day at school, and now i haven't seen her going on three weeks now. it feels like much longer. i confide in her aLOT, partially because she is almost ALWAYS online... except for when she's reading her physics book. (nerd.) basically, i trust her with everything.

Kel - I remember vividly the day we met; i was in her english class before i transfered to honors, the very first day of 7th grade.

we graded each other's spelling tests (i actually wrote a poem about this moment). and we walked home basically all of freshman and sophomore years together. I can be goofy with her like nobody else... and she understands me in a unique way. we can probably still finish each others' sentences.

Jess - she has been the longest friend i have ever had.

we went to the same daycare, and she used to live down the street from me, so basically all of my childhood involved jess in some way. i trust her with everything. i have told her things i have never told anyone else. i feel like she is as close to a sister i can have; our thoughts are most often quite the same.

on to others that aren't blogging...

aims - this girl is such a sweetheart i can't stand it.

we spent homeroom together for three years, and we always have a really good time whenever we get together. i never see her as much as i would like to. and she always sends me texts at exactly the time i need them. :) we have helped each other out through some tough times, and in that we have a strong connection. i always tell her to call me if she ever needs anything, and i mean it.

jess and britt - i feel like these two chicks go together because they are pretty inseperable themselves.

i have the best time when we have movie nights and such... even though both of them look pretty timid and quiet, DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! both can be really loud and random and freakin' hilarious, and i love them to death.

rach - as a fellow music ed. major, we have already spent a ton of time together and will be for the next few years.

she's really hilarious and can put me in a good mood whenever she's around. plus, she teaches me piano. and we can both make fun of kazez together!! i can see it now... we're probably going to get sick of each other from spending so much time in each others' prescence. :P

M - she was one of the first of my really good friends.

living down the hall from her has been both fantastic and a little annoying, haha, because i can see her whenever i want but sometimes i just want to throw a pillow at her when she gets loud! love you! she is also very hyper and random like i am, and already we have a ton of jokes and stories together.

Sav - introduced to me by mandy, i thought this chick was a wackjob the first time i met her.

haha juuuuuust kidding! we have become very close friends in a short amount of time, and since she moved into tower, it has gotten even better. she is very unique in her views and perceptions, and sometimes can be a really refreshing change. she knows what she wants and god help anyone who gets in her way. she's got this incredible discipline, and i can't quite figure out where it came from, but she amazes me all the time.

well, i think that's it for my close college friends... strange how once you stand back and take a look at things can you truly appreciate what ya got. god knows i miss my e-town friends... more and more every day. i can't wait until i can head north again... it shall be epic. what, like 6 weeks now?

all my classes tomorrow are cancelled! it's a staff day, and even though professors can still hold class if they want, both of my classes decided not to have it. *thank GOD*. i can sleep in! i can go to lunch! i can do whatever i feel like!... until i have to do some homework and band. this morning was kind of rough, but now that today is over i feel like i was very productive. good day!

and, instead of leaving a quote like brenda is, i'll leave a music lyric:

a singer in a smoky room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume. For a smile they can share the night, it goes on and on and on. ~Don't stop believing, Journey

1 comment:

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

I loves that song! And I loves you!!!