Tuesday, February 10, 2009

don't play hard to get


Play The Game - Queen
The Joker - Steve Miller Band
19-2000 - Gorillaz
Rent - RENT Soundtrack
I'll Never Let Her Go - Ringling 5
Jenny (867-5309)
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
Two Seater - Bowling For Soup
Play The Game - Queen

so i know it's been a week since i posted. go ahead, make fun of me. i don't mind. there have been many things conspiring and i just haven't had time. last week was soooo stressful; i still wasn't sleeping well... so instead i slept during the day in the Krieg lounge!! I recorded my first recital of this semester, and thank god Ben came before me, because of all days for my prof to hold class over, it had to be the day where i NEEDED to be somewhere. Brien and i ran around trying to find Ben, 'cause he had taken the keys. after we finally found him in some back hallway, it was alright. I have to edit and finalize the cd by the end of the week, though, and I have to talk to Ben to make sure I remember how to do it!!

On thursday, we went to north ridge junior high to observe the choir there. I was pretty suprised, the students are already doing solfege (do-re-mi stuff) and sightreading, along with some simple theory. I wish I had gotten that back then; I would be sooo much better off! and I didn't have to go to band until 7 that night, so I actually had some time to myself to laze about.

friday was uneventful... I honestly don't remember much about this day, lol. I tried to fall asleep in the lounge again, but SOMEONE had to throw popcorn at me... and later i discovered some of it in my pants. so naturally Brien had to comment on all the odd things found in my pants. gee, thanks.

saturday. well. this was interesting. I didn't do much during the day - just watched some movies and youtube videos. it wasn't until later that things started looking up. Lauren and I went to Brien's house to make pancakes from scratch. they were AMAZING!!! with peanut butter, syrup, powdered sugar, orange juice....
we watched Zach and Miri, which was actually a really funny movie. (by that time i didn't really care either way.) Rachel and two of her friends came over also, so for a while there things were really loud and rambunctious. we ended up watching The Exorcist, and i fell asleep. whoops. Rachel and I ended up staying at Brien's for the night, because the movie ended at like, 4am. Rachel completely zonked out on the one couch, lol, sawing logs, and Brien and i stayed up until FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING talking. about... many things. finally, i conked out on the couch until about 12:30. By the time I woke up, Rachel had left for work and Brien was putzing around the kitchen. We made the rest of the pancakes from the batter the night before (it was uuuuber sticky, haha). We learned that he is not the best pancake maker. some of them turned out to be massive lumpy globs of gooey goodness. THEN, we played mariokart (he completely kicked my ass) and mario tennis. Lauren called me before my phone died, and she came back over to work on theory. We popped in Finding Nemo, and worked on chord progressions in minor mode. oh joy. I didn't end up leaving Brien's until 5pm - 22 hours straight. everyone in Tower was freaking out when I got back, lol. though i would never trade that night for anything!!

Sunday I had a crapload of work to do, since I had put it all off until that time. so sunday i holed up in my room and got stuff done. which was good, considering i had a draft of a paper due the next day, along with theory exercises.

yesterday was a really good day - classes seemed to move fast, they were interesting, and everyone was in a happy mood. i think it's 'cause it's getting warmer, so people are getting out of the winter funk. wierd thing - rachel and i went swimming last night. they have open swim hours here for an hour, and so we went and did some laps. i felt so strange in my bikini, while everyone else was in these streamline speedos and such. but it's good exercise, and lord knows i need to get back in shape.

today was alright - i didn't get into bed until almost one last night... and things have transpired that made me a teensy bit excited and unable to sleep. but i am not going to put the details on here, for fear of anyone that's not supposed to read them. it's hard to not get excited though. band was pretty good, actually... dr. jones commented on the trumpets' abilities on our russian piece, which made me happy. he told us he appreciated our hard work. i really like that piece, 'cause i play trumpet 2 and it is more of a soloistic part. and the rest of the night i have been reading up on my flute methods - we have a test tomorrow.

random thought #1 - i really love it when simple things can transform into something profound.

random thought #2 - benford and i haven't talked in three weeks. and i miss him like crazy.

this is a freaking long note. and i know it was mostly just boring stuff about life in general... but there you go.

quotable: "we love because it's the only true adventure." ~Nikki Giovanni


wittenkitten12 said...

i didn't think this was very boring! I liked to hear the part about me! jk! it was a fun night though! the exorsist is a movie i will never watch again. who is benford?

thats all.

KACPDrummer said...

You just can not win mario kart can you?