Monday, February 16, 2009

lick your FACE

Home; Michael Buble
Mysterious Ticking Noise; Potter Puppet Pals
Re-Hash; Gorillaz
Good Riddance (time of your life); Green Day
Ever After You; Gabe Dixon Band
Crazy Little Thing Called Love; Queen
All Will Be Well; Gabe Dixon Band
All Kinds of Time; Fountains of Wayne
The Remedy; Jason Mraz
Shook Me All Night Long; AC/DC
Ranch Aerobics; The Ringling 5

well... since someone convienently brought this to my attention through facebook, i figured i would post again, since it's been like 6 days.

wednesday night a big windstorm came through. it was kind of freaking me out, honestly, and i wasn't real thrilled about being six floors up in Tower. We didn't have class on Thursday for intro, so i actually went to brien's house and we stayed up really freaking late... mariokart, movies and such. my trumpet lesson on thursday actually wasn't that bad. minor scales weren't HORRIBLE this time, thank god. he just gave me the whole "i hold you to a higher standard" speech again. sigh.

friday... hmm... t'was quite interesting... i didn't see my dorm until about 5:30 the next day. brien had the cast party for the drama production at his house that night. we stayed up ungodly late again, and somehow there is a picture of me dead asleep against brien's bookcase with my mouth hanging open floating around the internet. i passed out at his house again, and we didn't wake until about 1:30. then one of us got the brilliant idea to go get some taco bell! and we watched Clerks, which i had never seen (DANTE). then he and i walked back to tower, since i needed a change and a brushing of teeth and a wash. brien ended up falling asleep on my bed, lol, glad it's comfy, and then we went to the drama show. i felt slightly awkward, cause he's all the drama kid, and i'm totally not. but it was alright... the show was pretty freakin' good. spent pretty much all of valentine's day with him... ironic, much? nahhhhh.

sometimes i wish i had gotten into that acting stuff; my grandfather was a big shakespeare guy (seeing as he taught it at the community college, and acted in every one of those productions known to man) and my whole life it's been, "it's in your blood", blah blah blah. gawd, i wish i had more time to do a whole lot of things. just like my religion paper, haha - it's now due on thursday, instead of tomorrow as it originally was. i sent a dying plea email to my teacher about needing some more time, and thankfully she gave it to me. the whole thing was my fault, really, cause i just haven't found the inspiration to do it, but hopefully things will strike soon - i've got 2 out of 5 pages done.

Sunday was a senior recital for a choir gal. t'was pretty good - all i know is that i couldn't get up there and do that. one of my friends doesn't care for the girl's singing, and i really couldn't tell that she was "bad", per se, but i don't really have any room to talk since i've never sang in my life. we had a theory party afterwards... i got an A on it today! thanks, dante, since you're probably now reading this!! :P

i had no time to work on it today, however, until now. it was another one of our audition days in the music department, and so we had people coming in and out all dang day. i was happy, however, because one of my classes was cancelled and another got out early because of it. went to post for lunch, checked my mail, and whaddya know, i have TWO PACKAGES waiting for me. whoopie!! one was from my mom and the other was from my grandmother. both for valentine's day... i now have an over-abundance of candy again - - if anyone wants any chocolate, just let me know. i've got a buttload. i also got a rolling stone magazine from my mom (...wth?...) and a necklace that says "follow your heart" on it, which could basically describe my whole life.

random thought: i really have to do some laundry.

i haven't really done much of anything since i got out of class today, just homework, dinner, and trumpet practice. tomorrow we're going to observe a classroom at springfield high, i believe, so hopefully that'll be interesting. gotta slam out the rest of this paper. damn you.

"i'm half-naked, clueless, and feelin' good!" -Zits

1 comment:

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

brien? who is this brien you speak of and how would hanging out with him on valentines day be ironic? o.O