Friday, February 27, 2009

would it be too much to ask

to find a decent guy once in a while?


i'm tired of looking. i'm tired of being by myself.

anyway... i have just a week left until spring break. jessie is coming to visit me tomorrow!! she wants to drive herself down for little sibs weekend, and so she and her mom are taking a test drive tomorrow. i SO cannot wait. i haven't seen anyone from home since christmas.

i am glad this week is going a lot better than last week... it was just hell because everyone decided to pile stuff on at the same time, and i was really stressed out and annoyed and oy vay. but this week was a lot better. i just had one paper due, which wasn't that hard, just time consuming, and my religion class (which i only had for two days anyway), was cancelled on thursday. i think most teachers are looking forward to spring break, too.

i'm counting down the hours until i get to see jessica. if you're reading this, jess, i can't tell you how much it means to me. i hope i don't start crying when i see you.

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