Tuesday, February 03, 2009

everything in moderation - except for sleep.

kay. so blogger is a complete JERKFACE and just deleted the last post i tried to publish...

Listening: 19-2000, Gorillaz
Welcome To The Black Parade, My Chemical Romance
Shook Me All Night Long, AC/DC
I Want You To Want Me, The Kinks
The Stars And Stripes Forever, John Philip Sousa, United States Army Band
The Purple Carnival, Harry L. Alford, United States Army Band
Dare You To Move, Switchfoot

i know i haven't posted in a while. i know.

friday night was uneventful... i just chillaxed and talked to bri online until THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. talked about everything under the sun... from angelina jolie to rhyming words to awkward uncle (don't ask).

i slept in saturday until 12:11. went to brunch by myself (which was okay, cause i was reeeeeally hungry). it must have been a mel gibson marathon, because braveheart was on right before what women want... so i watched those all day. bri and i discussed the powers of telepathy, and he said he could read my mind. for both of our sakes, i won't go into details. let's just say i had an obligatory drink.

sunday i slept in until 12:18. i didn't go to brunch, but helped sav move her crap yet again, this time into the room right next to mine. it's actually really sweet - i no longer have to walk all the way down the hall to talk to her. and she just comes in and flops on my bed at random times. i worked on homework, and watched part of the super bowl until lauren called - i helped her with music theory homework for AN HOUR AND A HALF. so i missed the entire last quarter of the game. oh well, stinking steelers.

today was alright, for a monday.
classes went fairly quickly and smoothly. (that's what she said, right?) and i have done absolutely nothing since i got out of class today, LOL. besides work on this FOR THE SECOND TIME and carry on three conversations at once... multitasking i has it.

i had a dream two nights ago about Hocking, and yes Bren, you were there. we were just driving around, it was a sunny day, and i had a bunny on my lap! i think there were fireworks involved; and physics; and i think the bunny told me something important but i can't remember it now.

and it's frustrating because i am having trouble falling asleep again. i had the same problem at home, but it hadn't affected me here until a couple of nights ago. i don't know if it has to do with the other people in the building making noise... or other things. but i am afraid to put in my earplugs cause i don't wanna miss my alarm.

today was....*shrugs shoulders*. i am exhausted from not sleeping well... classes seemed to drag on...
in intro. there was a guest speaker - he talked about starting a band class with fifth graders. it was funny, and i could relate to a bunch of the stuff *finally*. not that i don't love choir and all that, but it would be nice to do some instrumental stuff every once in a while too. choir is a whole other world to me. went to applebees with lauren - it was nice to get out and off campus and eat some good food, lol. i helped her with theory, and i think she is finally getting it. chord progressions aren't exactly difficult once you get the hang of things, but she didn't get the hang of things in the first place and was totally freaking out. so i helped her. we put stuff on the board, and got it all worked out. she said i would make a really good teacher, which made me feel so good. she said i was really patient and flexible. i guess that's what i'm good for. after that, i went to the library with my religion class to research our "sacred spaces". i am having a tough time, because my spot is kind of obscure, and i have had to broaden it to even find information. and i was really spacey today in class, so i had a tough time trying to get a thesis together. after class, i probably shouldn't have played games on the computer, because i had a crapload of homework. i had to read two chapters and two essays for my education class, finish theory, and work on skills. i haven't even started skills; i think i will wait until tomorrow when i have nothing better to do at work. band was decent tonight - we played the russian piece...

then sleep by whitacre...

then dream isaiah saw...

the last two pieces the witt choir is going to be singing with us, so it's kind of a boring part for the band. so practice wasn't the liveliest thing tonight.

guess who gets to work with Dr. K on saturday?! MEEE!!! oh how overjoyed i am.

"I want to trip inside your head
Spend the day there…
To hear the things you haven’t said
And see what you might see" -- Miracle Drug, U2

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