Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my future is comin' on

Land of 1000 Dances; OSUMB
Sans Toi; Cirque Du Soleil
Waiting; Green Day
Welcome To The Black Parade; My Chemical Romance
Augers of Spring from The Rite of Spring; Stravinsky
Closer; Nine Inch Nails
Shallow; Gabe Dixon Band
Videotape; Radiohead

I don't really have much to put today. I am just kind of messing around avoiding that frickin' religion paper. Actually, I DID have a purpose for writing. In religion class, we discussed the idea of "sanctuary" as it pertains to sacred space. it was very interesting; we discussed a buddhist idea of space and "negative" space - our culture focuses on the actual THINGS taking up space, but this other idea also brings into play the space that is not taken up by something. and then we got to talking about thoughts, and how they really focus on those times where you aren't thinking anything at ALL, and that is apparently where you can get closest to god (or whatever you might believe in). i'm not sure i am getting this whole idea completely right, but it got me thinking, at least. it's so intriguing to think about... because once you start trying to see if you are thinking about anything at all, then you're thinking about something!!

this also reminded me of something i used to do when i was little. i would lay in bed face down, my head on my arms. after a while, when i was in between that time where you're really asleep and when you're kind of awake, i could start to see colors and shapes. i think it has something to do with the stimulation of the nerves (that was complete b.s., i have no idea) but i was captivated by that. but whenever i would TRY to see those shapes and colors and patterns, i could never do it. i don't really know where i was going with this tangent... but there you go.

i FINALLY got to talk to Mr. B. it had been like, a month since we'd talked. it was great... there were a couple of times where i honestly couldn't breathe from laughing sooo hard. damn i miss that guy. and i did ask him a question that had been bugging me for a while - can teachers and students be friends? we had a big discussion about it in my education class, and my prof stands by the whole "professional teacher-student relationship" thing, blah blah blah, but i am of the opinion that we can be. Mr. B said it best - we're only human. teachers can have friends too!! i'm really glad he agreed with me, because i was hoping he would say we were still friends. cause i truly consider him one of my very good friends.

anyway... i still have to finish that paper, but i have three pages done now!! woo!! hopefully the last two will go smoothly...

adios for now.

"steal my heart, hold my tongue. I feel my time, my time has come." ~Til Kingdom Come; Coldplay

1 comment:

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

First of all, it was very nice hearing Gabe Dixon while reading your blog :D gah, I wish I had his CD or something then. I would have gotten his autograph! :/ which gives me the idea of always being prepared for anything.

Second, I still do that thing about the laying in bed half asleep/half awake. It's very relaxing.