Saturday, February 21, 2009

my spleen!!

i'm sorry.

i'm sorry things have changed.

i'm sorry i'm not what you thought i was.

i'm sorry i let my feelings control me.

i'm sorry you're not here with me.

i'm sorry i left you behind.

i'm sorry i make bad decisions.

i'm sorry i didn't work harder.

i'm sorry you feel like you can't tell me.

i'm sorry you're uncomfortable.

i'm sorry i took advantage of you.

i'm sorry things didn't turn out like we thought they would.

i'm sorry i can't deal with things sometimes.

i'm sorry i am way too into you.

not necessarily directed to one particular person, but to many people. i felt like i needed to get this out there.

i am really glad last night was not a total waste of my time. mandy and i hung out for a while, and we watched forrest gump. she totally passed out towards the back half of the movie, and so i just went back to my room for a while. the stupid internet completely crapped out (sorry, brenda). brien called and he came to my room, because my roommate went home for the night. i didn't get much sleep, maybe four or five hours. today, we went to chipotle 'cause we were both craving it... i have the leftovers in my fridge right now. i realized something really funny - back home, everyone has these ideas that all i do is eat, all the time. but at witt, people are like, "do you eat at all?!" don't get me wrong, i love food. i just thought it was kind of ironic that the two sides of my life are exactly opposite like that.

anyway... i have an article due for education on monday. it's not hard, just kind of tedious and i really don't want to work on it. and i STILL have religion homework. Grrrrrr.

fell asleep on my bed today. i have no clue how long i was out. my roommate woke me up when she came in with her family, kind of funny, and i was like, holy crap! i was sleeping?! i am exhausted. but in the best way.

"you really got me going, you got me so i don't know what i'm doing." -You Really Got Me; The Kinks


KACPDrummer said...

WOW people think that you do not eat?!?!?!?! How is that possible? lol
Just kidding!

Above Parallel said...

i KNOW!!! lol, i just remember benford giving me crap about eating all the time, cause that's basically what i did in his prescence.

Mademoiselle Kelly said...

Hmmm....Key Club? Chicken wings?